Search Results for: Garments

Metamorphosis, the diploma collection of Royal College of Artgraduate, Félicie Eymard, not only sheds new perspectives on the ways people wear garments but also on the reasons as to why they do “I’ve always been intrigued by what people wear and how they behave with what they wear, ” Félicie tells us when we asked about the instigation.

The Met’s Costume Institute Benefit is arguably best known as the Met Gala. It’s probably true that not both names carry the some meaning. The Met Gala sounds more like something that easily travels across publications and broadcasts, transcending audiences and becoming part of the popular culture and its celebrity ambassadors. The Met’s Costume Institute Benefit, on the other hand, sounds like a diplomatic project and it might well be.

The Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake wants to transform your home with a new collection he and his team created for the Finnish brand littala. “The concept revolves around products for the home that allow one to notch a transformation from 2-D to 3-D,” says president of the design team, Midori Kitamura. “It’s about the idea of closed shapes versus open shapes, as if live blossoms were flowering each time you open your napkins”.

Vintage refinement and a strong sense of visual storytelling meet in the work of London based illustrator, painter and designer Thomas Danthony. Originally from Montpellier, France, Danthony usually works with digital illustration tools to create his beautifully coloured images, often commissioned by prestigious clients for advertising or magazines.

Whether you’re looking for a cute stocking stuffer or a jaw dropping statement making gift, something fun and superfluous or something practical yet amazing, we’ve got you covered. From a utilitarian chic backpack to on exciting piece of Jewelry, or an intoxicating new fragrance to a mode of transportation (no kidding) and everything in between, here our selection for Christmas 2019!

In an area near Cördoba, Spain, rare formations of calcarenite rock emerge in slanting slabs from the earth, often forming natural caves and niches that were once used by farmers and herdsmen as temporary dwellings. One such cave was transformed into a modern rural house by the architects at UMMOestudio, who dared to contrast the natural surface.